I am a post-doc student at Georgetown University. I defended my PhD in July 2017 at the
Université Lyon 1 under the supervision of Julien Vovelle and
Vincent Calvez. Its title is : "Stochastic and deterministic kinetic equations
in the context of mathematics applied to biology".
I coorganized the Inter'actions 2016 colloquium.
Field of Research : scaling limits of kinetic PDEs, stochastic diffusion limits, reaction-diffusion equation,
Transport-reaction equations for front propagation studies (biology), biological modelling.
Key words : kinetic equations, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, stochastic PDEs, transport-reaction equations, reaction diffusion equation.
Nils Caillerie
Georgetown University - Department of mathematics and statistics
Saint Mary's Hall
37th street and O street NW
20057 Washington DC
United States of America
Georgetown University - Department of mathematics and statistics
Saint Mary's Hall
Office : G31, block F
email :