Nils Caillerie
Born 01/09/1991 in La Tronche (France)
Academic History
- 2008 : Graduation, Major : Science, Lycée Stendhal, Grenoble.
- 2008-2010 : Prep school, Major : Physics and Ingeniering Science, Lycée Champollion, Grenoble.
- 2010-2011 : Bachelor in Mathematics, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.
- 2011-2012 : Master Degree in Mathematics (1st year), Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
- 2012-2013 : Master Degree in Education Science, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.
- 2013 : Agrégation externe in Mathematics, Major : Probability.
- 2013-2014 : Master Degree in advanced Mathematics, Université Claude Bernard and ENS de Lyon.
- 2014-2017 : PhD in Mathematics, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.
- 2017-present : post-doc position at Georgetown University, Washington.
Teaching Experience
- 2011 : Internship in a 11th grade classroom. Lycée Stendhal, Grenoble.
- 2011 : Preparation to the Olympiades académiques des mathematiques in a 10th grade classroom.
Lycée Stendhal, Grenoble.
- 2013 : Tutoring for the egnlish ERASMUS Student. UJF, Grenoble.
- 2013-2014 : Colles in Prep school. Lycée Champollion de Grenoble.
- 2014-2016 : Exercice sessions for Bachelor and Master Students in Probablity. ISFA, Lyon.
- 2017 : Calculus I for freshmen. Georgetown University, Washington.
Foreign languages
- French : Mother language
- English : C2
- German : B2
Softwares I use
OpenOffice, LyX, SciLab, GeoGebra, Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Premiere, iMovie, Komodo.
Programming languages
LaTeX, SciLab, HTML and CSS, Python.
Cinema, Football, Litterature, Scientifical Culture.
2014 : Regional Award of the second best short story in the CROUS Contest.
2015 : Regional Award of the best short story in the CROUS Contest. National award of the third best.
2016 : Text selected (but not awarded) at the ENSTA Paris-Tech short story contest.